Competitions, exhibitions, publications
Through Blue Light and the Breath of Silence: A Walk into Memories

Personal Exhibition - Karbouski

Today, we are setting out on an unusual walk, and I, like an old friend, will be by your side, accompanying you in a silent dialogue. I want you to immerse yourself in the embrace of blue silence, to find distant memories within yourself, and to let them trouble you no more.
Simply trust in the beauty of nature. Let your thoughts flow freely—don’t worry, don’t analyze. Just look and remember. Don’t search for meaning, don’t try to grasp emotions, simply observe.
Look around. If you see a river, think about how effortlessly the water flows. If you see a tree, imagine how long it has been growing. Let this walk be a moment of peace for you.

So, are you ready? Then let’s go.

P.S. The exhibition will run from February 18 to March 9 on the Kunstmatrix website.
open call
BROUHAHART / Digital exhibition / 24.01– 24.02 2024

Landscape artist of the year

I sent two of my key works from the autumn series and from the winter landscape series to this exhibition.
In my painting A84 (memories from childhood), I depicted large birch trees and the house of our good neighbor. These majestic trees were often repeated in my childhood drawings. I loved watching how they turn golden in autumn, how birds sit on their tops in winter and how they begin to turn green in spring. I remember and my soul becomes warm.
The second picture (A145) is valuable because it is one of the first ways to convey a frosty feeling. I love winter, but I can't stand the cold very well. Love and hate fit into this picture.

The link to the exhibition page

And here is the gallery page
Artists to Watch / ARTIST DATABASE
Artists to Watch
This painting is the tenth and one of the key ones in my work. Before publishing this post, I thought, which of my paintings best defines my style? After some thought, I chose this summer landscape. And although this work was created at the very beginning of my journey as an artist (I am now approaching my 200th painting), this image conveys my aspirations and ideals.
I still like to draw quickly, paint nature, use bright colors and paint with a large brush. nothing changes. Maybe this is my style that I'm looking for so hard. Or not?

Acrylic, paper, 20*30cm, 2023
Open call
TheHolyArt Gallery / London / 1-10.12.2023
Cosmic - Art Exhibition
At this exhibition I presented two of my paintings with autumn landscapes. I really like to draw nature, because I believe that it serves as a standard of beauty for everything that man creates.

Event link here.

NordArt, Germany
Competition / NordArt
This painting depicts a portrait of an elderly man and is completed with red lines in a childish manner. With this work I want to show that the process of learning to draw takes a lot of time and effort. To become a professional artist, you need to create a large number of works and it’s better to start earlier from childhood.
Our childhood hobbies make us who we are and this should not be forgotten. This picture was also painted in a short period of time, like all my paintings. So in my creative activity I show that you need to appreciate every moment of life and take everything from it. (this idea has not yet been formed (and that's ok))

P.S. Unfortunately, in 2024 I did not get to this exhibition as a participant. To be honest, I was a little upset. BUT (there is always this but) This is only the first year of my studies, it is natural and logical that now I will have few good results. Well, we'll see.
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