Reflections and thoughts on art and my education
Laziness and a lot of news
Oh, now I really screwed up. It's been a long time and there's been a lot of important news, but I haven't written about it. In short, the most important:
I closed the Etsy shop;
However, I created more NFTs from my works (see OpenSea);
I paused my profile;
And I also held my first solo digital exhibition on the Kunstmatrix platform. The document about the exhibition and its results will appear on my Google Drive today;
And I'm also finishing up preparing abstract paintings for the next exhibition, which will be held in May.

And now a little about my plans for this year:
The exhibition on Kunstmatrix showed itself well, so I will continue this format. At least I got real results, for example, I raised my artist rating, thanks to getting the necessary level of subscribers in the ArtMajeur gallery. Now I'm going to do the same for my abstract works and my profile in the Tricera Art gallery. After that I will decide whether to stay in this gallery (I have questions that I still have not received answers to). And then I plan to focus only on creating works for the SaatchiArt gallery and if the number of works is sufficient, then at the end of the year I will hold another final exhibition, or it will be postponed to 2026.

Well, wish me luck and have a nice day!

One of the works from the last exhibition
Lots of news
Time is short, so I'll give you a quick rundown of what's happened in the last few months.

Achievements - my work has been featured in SaatchiArt, I've received permission to publish my paintings on Artmajeur and Tricera. I have very few works so far, but I'm gradually publishing new paintings.

A new large catalog with paintings for 2022-2024 has been added. The download link is here or you can buy it on Etsy here (if you want to support me).

Where am I rushing to? I need to keep working!

P.S. This is madness.

One of my best abstractions from the latest series
Intermediate results
Two years of my creativity
Sometimes it feels like time stands still and nothing happens. As if I'm in the same place as at the beginning of my career. But that's not true.

In less than a month, it will be two years since I started painting, and I want to share my thoughts on this. What have I achieved during this time? I have created about 400 works and significantly improved my graphic skills. My painting skills are not as developed, but I'm not discouraged. Everything takes its time, and I am on the right path.

I participated in two exhibitions and learned how the process works. I also contacted several auction houses and realized that it's too early for me to send my paintings there. I have entered several competitions but have not yet seen any results.

I received the "added to catalog" mark on the Saatchi Art website, which I consider a small achievement. I also received permission to display my paintings on the Artmajeur website, which took me about a month. Additionally, I managed to sell 19 of my works.

I created a catalog of my best works for 2023. The next catalog of my best works for 2024 will be published in December of this year. I am also gradually increasing the size of my works.

And finally, the most important thing, today I wrote my manifesto, and the main principles of my art have taken shape in my mind. Of course, this is not the final version, as I believe I am still at the beginning of my journey.

Well, I will continue in the same spirit. Good luck and have a great day, everyone!

P.S. None of my achievements came easily, and I still have issues with discipline and time management (if you forgot, I work in a warehouse). Therefore, I would appreciate any help, moral or financial, as well as your support on social media. Thank you to everyone who stays with me and cares about my art.

One of the last moss paintings in small format
About changes on Etsy
that relate to my store
It's time for change. Since I'm not seeing results in my Etsy shop, I've decided to change my approach. Starting today I will be removing physical items and uploading digital copies for printing. I do this for several reasons.

Firstly, I have a huge amount of work accumulated right now, and with all the materials, paper and canvases, I'm starting to run out of space.

Secondly, I made about a hundred drawings on A4 format, which allows me to easily scan them in high resolution. For reference, all images are 2480*3507 pixels at 300 DPI.

I haven't decided yet what will happen to the physical paintings, but I think I'll just give them away to interested people. In the end, these are just student works, many of which look very good. But even here there are works that I want to destroy. Well, if you have any other suggestions, then write to me on TikTok or Instagram

Etsy shop >>> KarbouskiArt

This cute cat is drawn with colored pencils and now you can buy a digital copy on Etsy and print it yourself
A little about graphics
...time for achievements
As I said earlier, graphics are the basis of my teaching of form, perspective and volume. And today an important event happened. Finally, the number of graphics works exceeded 200. In total, I already have about 400 works and this is the official data. It seems to me that the process is going very slowly, because I started learning to draw in the summer of 2022. Or is this normal?
Here are some numbers. 753 days have passed since the start of training until today. This means that I draw 1.8 paintings every day. And this is already a lot. So can I be proud of myself at this stage?

P.S. By the way, I never sold a single painting during this time via the Internet. Sad. When is my first sale?
And here is another small conclusion that I made quite recently. I need to post more work in my stores.

I like this magpie on a branch. Available for purchase on Etsy
Bring herself up
...and draw conclusions.
oh, I think I'm starting to gradually come to my senses. I took a break from drawing and painting for two weeks and now I have regained my strength and desire to continue my studies. During this time, I systematized non-couture information about competitions, exhibitions and my training. I also understood how to treat my creativity.

What conclusions did I draw:
  • no need to worry about bad results. a bad picture is also a picture. And since I am learning (on my own) it is important for me to continue
  • you don't have to do everything at once. You should concentrate on only one task.
  • no need to rely on other artists. I'm actually creating my own art here!
  • there are no bad artists. This is strange and unusual for me, but I shouldn’t criticize other artists, even if he does complete nonsense. I noticed that there is an unspoken rule that you need to support any aspiring artist. And that's great. I also decided to do this.

P.S. With new principles I begin to work on my new paintings. You can consider this a turning point. Good luck to everyone and me too!

During a creative crisis, I did not sit idle, but created an abstraction. It's harder than it seems.
Congratulations, you have a creative crisis!
I'm talking about my first artistic block that is happening to me right now.
Oh, the time has finally come! I'm having a creative crisis.
How does this manifest itself?
I absolutely don’t want to paint, I need to make a lot of effort to force myself to pick up brushes. And when I start drawing, I feel disgusted with what I'm doing. This makes it even worse. I have already damaged several paintings and destroyed several. And besides this, I feel anger (even rage) towards myself and helplessness.
But today I want to think about what led to this and how to deal with it. Right now I'm putting all my emotions aside and trying to understand myself. I need to get rid of this destructive condition without hesitation, because it will definitely not lead me to success.
  • Let me start with the fact that everyone is experiencing a crisis and this is normal. (I make excuses and admit this fact. I repeat once again that this is normal). I noticed that I experience a crisis about once every 6-8 months, and also one big breakdown occurs every 2 years (this is when you sit in the shower, hugging your knees and crying, but more on that another time).
  • Monotony. Even my friends started saying that I was stuck, which might be true. I only draw similar subjects. This makes me feel like I'm drawing the same thing every time.
  • High expectations. I demand a lot from myself, because I have set myself a grandiose goal - I will become a famous artist. Because of this, I criticize myself very much and expect good results.
  • Haste. This reason follows from the previous paragraph. I get confused about doing more than I can, so I get confused with guilt.
  • And the last important reason. I still don't understand what style I want to draw in. I admire romanticism and impressionism, but on the other hand, I need to convey the spirit of our era (or vice versa, I shouldn’t follow the trends of modern art and be free in my creativity). This is a very difficult question and the more I study art history and contemporary art, the more difficult it is for me to make a decision. This is problem. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.

A fragment of a painting that was purchased

Autumn landscape, one of the key works
Yes, I am in a vulnerable state right now, but I will try to find a solution to this problem for myself. I think I need to do the following.
- firstly, I’ll take a short break from drawing and just relax. I won’t think about art at all; I’ll hide my brushes and paints.
- secondly, I will look at my results again and give myself a gift for my efforts. After all, I tried hard, I deserve a gift.
- thirdly, I will draw up a training plan for 2024 and start making more complex paintings, because I need to study further, and not stand still. By the way, I found a teacher.
- fourthly, I will slow down the pace. I still have a lot of time ahead, I will have time to do everything. We need to accept this fact.
- and the last thing. Indeed, the style problem is very serious, but I will just forget about it and put it off for later. My main task now is to learn to draw.
In fact, I have only two problems now: high expectations and uncertainty about my future. Therefore, it is important for me to stop, relax, let go of bad and unnecessary thoughts, take a deep breath and slowly continue my training. I will definitely cope with this, because a great goal awaits me.
I hope my thoughts will help other artists who find themselves in a similar situation.
Plan in my head (!)

A year and a half of my creative activity has passed and a plan and awareness of what I need to do in the future appeared in my head.

Drawing training is progressing smoothly. Gradually my work is getting better. I can say with confidence that after about 40 works you can see a little progress.

To stop being a person who draws and become a real artist, I need to do the following.
  • 1000 works in different techniques (it’s only a matter of time. I think it will take another 3 years if I work at the same pace. On the other hand, if my creativity starts to make a profit, I can become a full-time specialist and that’s another story)
  • First victory in the competition (This achievement will strengthen my self-confidence. Now it doesn’t matter to me, so I’m not worried)
  • First solo exhibition in the gallery (It is important to work with the gallery and the curator, find out about the conditions and so on. But I will think about it in six months. It’s too early.)

After fulfilling these conditions, I will begin to call myself an artist.

A fragment of one of my favorite landscapes
Etsy and me (part 2)
It's time to open an Etsy store. Thanks to everyone who has visited or is going to visit my store.

Why did I start selling my work?
1. To cover part of the cost of painting materials
2. To start promoting your creativity earlier.

I don't have any more reasons. Sounds mean, but it's true.
The main problem is the physical lack of time for drawing. my training stopped this week. You have no idea how long it takes to place items. So I'm temporarily (hopefully done in one week) ceasing to shoot social media videos. By the way, thanks for the support. I have almost 800 followers on TikTok!
My main goal for this week will be to decorate the store and maintain psychological balance =)

Here is a link to my store > KarbouskiArt

P.S. As you can see, I'm not very verbose, so here's some more short news.
40 paintings will be uploaded to the store and around September 16th I will lower the prices of some items!

Thank you! I wish you all a productive day!

There are a lot of photos on Etsy, so you can see my creative work in more detail there.
Etsy and me
I've been thinking about opening my Etsy store for a few weeks now. I have sales experience for the RedFaceKFM project. Of course, I am sure that now I will succeed.
Why am I doing this?
I want to pay my own costs for materials (paper, paints). This will give me more motivation to study. Prices will of course be moderate and I will sell only the best paintings.
Some plans.
I will put up for sale 40 paintings every four months. Each update will consist of new works. Old drawings are no longer on sale.
The main issue is paying taxes. Already this week I will receive legal advice. The second question: I need to prepare the first 40 works for sale and set up a store. This will take a lot of time and effort.

P.S. As you can see, blog articles don't appear very often, but new videos are released almost every day on my TikTok and YouTube (links at the top of the page). I will be grateful to everyone who will follow me and leave some comments and likes. Thank you!

YouTube and me
I am learning to draw (alpha stage).
My path is long and difficult, but one day I will become a master of the brush.
So I wrote on my YouTube channel today. In the next six months, my Tiktok videos will be published there.


TikTok and me
I hasten to inform you that I created a channel on TikTok. To be precise, I uploaded several of my videos there. It shows how I paint with acrylics on paper. If you understand and know how to draw, then I'm waiting for your comments. I try to review and respond to all comments.
Today I also bought a camera and a tripod to make shooting video more convenient. (Now I shoot on the phone). In general, I try not to mess up and do everything quickly. The main task is to learn how to convey the mood with color. Let's see what happens...
I do this to see progress. Not much time has passed, so it's too early to draw conclusions.
Thank you for your attention!


Hello! I am Karbouski.
I am starting my journey as an artist. I'm learning to draw, to be specific.
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