Principles and basis of the artist’s creativity
Compiled in June 2024
Artist's Manifesto
Principle 1
Rules of an Artist’s Life
An artist is someone who, through their creativity, shows the reality in which they live.
An artist must be flexible, refine their skills throughout life, look and see, inspire and be inspired, appreciate life and simplicity, and leave a legacy behind.
An artist must not compromise, deceive, elevate themselves above others, or envy.
Principle 2
Ugliness and Beauty
The concept of ugliness was invented by people. Nature, as the foundation of everything, is only real; it can be both cruel and gentle. An artist should learn beauty from nature and strive to convey its beauty by any means. Nature is the main teacher of the artist.
Principle 3
There should be no suffering in the life of an artist or any person. An artist is obliged to help themselves and others avoid suffering through their creativity. However, an artist must make difficult decisions. This means that the artist takes responsibility for their art and is on the right path (the easy path cannot be the right one).
Principle 4
Depression is a weakness. Therefore, an artist must fight it by any means, not rejecting external help.
Principle 5
Inspiration is the most important part of the creative process. First of all, an artist must learn to control this feeling to be able to use it at any moment.
Principle 6
Simplicity and Flexibility
The simplest solutions are the most correct. However, the decisions made are not absolute.
Principle 7
Silence is the key that can open the door to oneself. Silence balances and calms thoughts, thus bringing one closer to understanding the world and nature.
Principle 8
An artist must realize that they came into this world and will leave it in complete solitude, and that this is the natural order of things, which means it is not bad. Solitude is the helper of silence.
Principle 9
Creativity for an artist is not a hobby or pastime, but work.
An artist does not talk about productivity, has the right to make mistakes, and should not only be an artist.
Principle 10
Material Values
An artist should not be a consumer. An artist should create only comfortable conditions for work for themselves and their family. An artist’s earnings are an indicator of the success of their creativity.
Principle 11
An artist should engage in their creativity in such a way that they are ready for death at any moment. Death is not the end of an artist's career.
Additional Information
Here are the most important principles for me as an artist. Of course, this is not the final version of the manifesto. Here are collected only my thoughts that I have formulated over the past few years of my work. I hope this information will help other artists, curators and collectors better understand me and my work.
From the link below you can download the Manifesto (other languages ​​are also available: Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean), as well as other free materials.
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