Other projects
My other adventures
Main NFT Collection | OpenSea
I created several NFT collections because I wanted to make money. I thought it would be easy and fun. But after half a year of endless work, I realized that it was not enough to draw pictures. Then I decided that I should learn to draw. I've drawn before, of course, but now it's time for the real learning. Everything is serious. From academic foundations.

As for NFTs, they will be passed on to buyers of my paintings in the future. The owners of these NFTs will have benefits and bonuses. I will write about this much later, after completing my training.

Collection logo

Making papier-mâché masks | Instagram
From 2017 to 2020, I was an artisan and created demonic papier-mâché masks. This was my hobby. During these three years I have visited several festivals and created several masks for local cosplayers. I had contracts with several stores to sell my products and also opened an Etsy store.

Sometimes in the autumn before Halloween I think to start making masks again (the process is quite interesting), but this requires space and a lot of time. Unfortunately, at this point in my life, I don't have that.

Japanese demonic mask
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